Monday, February 21, 2011


Remember last week when I made pizza? Well... the dough I used actually makes enough for two pizzas & P-Dub suggests letting the dough refrigerate for 3-4 days. About Wednesday of last week, it was time to use the dough. I also had some leftover pepperoni, so I'd use that up, I figured. 

But, we just ate pizza a few days ago... What else could I make with it?


Now, I'm really proud of myself for these. Why, you ask? Because I didn't follow a recipe exactly, word-for-word, which is an accomplishment for me. I really struggle with improvising while cooking, but I did it for these - & they were delicious!

So, I grabbed the dough from the refrigerator and punched it down.
Then, I shredded some cheddar cheese and got out some mozzarella. 
This was based on the calzone recipe from my Baker's Illustrated book - I smoothed the dough out into about 8-inch circles. 
Then, I spread the cheese and pepperoni (should have used two more pepperoni pieces) onto one half of the circle. [The pepperoni is shaped funny because it's the outside of the hearts I cut out ripped into pieces.]
Next, I folded the circle in half and sealed the edges together. 
Based on the Baker's Illustrated cookbook, I slit wholes into the top of my calzone. 
Then I cooked them for 10 minutes at 500 degrees. 
[Jeremy made the marinara sauce.]
They were super tasty - I will definitely be making these some more! They also made for great lunches leftover!

Also, I'd like to wish Leslie a VERY happy 25th birthday! Love ya, girl! Have a great one!

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