Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Alrighty, friends... I don't have any recipes, projects or even pictures for you today.

I'm just going to chat about a few minor accords to update everyone.
  • Today is 73 days until I graduate! But, who's counting?
  • As of now, I'm 100% on my New Years resolution... Go me! My resolution was to send out birthday cards to my closest friends and family. For some reason, I've never been good about that. I made month-by-month list (inspired by my step-grandma, Terry) of all the important birthdays and made sure I had addresses for everyone on the list. The resolution got off to a slow start because I had no January birthdays, but I got cards out to my friends Chelsey and Leslie for their birthdays - & they both received them before their birthdays. [Thank you Target for making this resolution affordable.]
  • In approximately 16 days, I'm almost certain I'll be headed to Europe with my two favorite boys! The trip is pretty last-minute because of some not-so-great circumstances, but we're going to make the best of it by exploring. It's going to be fantastic. 
  • Next week, I get to put my 60-day Notice in to my apartment complex. I can't wait to move! I feel like every time I go to open a cabinet, an avalanche ensues because I don't have room for anything! Moving ALSO means TONS of new projects for Adventures in Domestication - get excited, people.
  • Added update: A big congratulations to the boy! He was named treasurer of UTA's chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Great job, babe!
That's all I've got today! Have a great Wednesday, friends.

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